Archive | May 2020

I huvudet på en mördare som försöker rättfärdiga sitt brott?

En mördare som kommit på bättre tankar?

Brian Winchester och Denise Williams från Florida hade en flera år lång och hemlig kärleksaffär trots att de båda var gifta på var sitt håll. De beslöt sig för att mörda Denises framgångsrika make, och Brians bästa vän, efter att de sett till att Mike Williams köpt på sig betydliga livförsäkringar (varav en som Brian sålde till honom) som skulle inbringa änkan ca 20 miljoner kronor. Ett mord skulle dessutom låta Denise få ensam vårdnad av den 18 månader gamla dottern. Framför allt ville paret leva tillsammans, men inte via skilsmässor – i alla fall inte Denise. 

Enligt Brian så planerade de att låta döda Mike Williams genom att knuffa honom från en båt under en andjakt då han var inklädd sina tunga vadarbyxor. De intalade sig själva att ett sådant tillvägagångssätt skulle ge Mike en viss chans att överleva och de lät sedan Gud bestämma utgången genom att låta Mike leva eller dö. Oavsett utgången skulle det alltså vara Guds vilja vad som än skedde! Vad ingen av dem visste var att Mike faktiskt övat sig duktigt på att spänna av sig vadarbyxor i djupt vatten för att kunna överleva båtolyckor. Efter att Brian knuffat sin vän överbord ser han till sin fasa att Mike överlever dramat och bestämmer sig till slut för att skjuta sin vän på nära håll i huvudet. Var detta också planerat av Gud trots att ett skott i pannan leder till en närmare hundraprocentig säker död?

Allt detta låter som en kalvinistisk tankegång där allting sker enligt Guds vilja, vilket logiskt sett alltså borde inkludera även otrohet, lögner och mord. (Fast inga kalvinister kan vara trogna sin egen lära.)

Dagen innan mordet hade Mike Williams deltagit i en spelning med Frälsningsarmén i ett köpcentrum, och detta faktum besvärar helt uppenbart Brian när han berättar om detta under rättegången. Brian berättar också att efter mordet så intalade sig paret att Gud förlåtit dem, och det lät även som Gud redan under planeringsstadiet förlåtit dem för framtida synder. Trots detta är det uppenbart att hans liv inte alls var lyckligt efter mordet, men efter några år så gifter sig Brian och Denise med varandra då det känns säkert. När han flera år senare avslöjade platsen för den döda kroppen så kände han det som en befrielse. Hur kunde han tro att livet skulle vara lyckligt med ett mord på sitt samvete? Hur kunde han ens tidigare leva med sitt samvete genom flera års otrohet och lögn?

Paret lyckades hålla sig undan rättvisan ganska länge, men 18 år efter mordet så får Denise sedan livstid fängelse (då Brian redan sitter av ett tjugoårigt fängelsestraff för ett brott sammankopplat till detta). Om det inte vore för Mike Williams mamma så hade fallet avskrivits som en olycka men hon drev envist linjen att fallet borde brottsundersökas då Mikes kropp aldrig hittats. Denise hotade då svärmodern med att aldrig någonsin få träffa sitt barnbarn igen såvida hon inte lät fallet bero. Svärmodern vägrade och lyckades efter 3,5 år få fallet att undersökas som ett brottsfall. På barnbarnets 19-årsdag så häktades den 47-åriga mamman, och det verkar som barnbarnet fortfarande inte har kontakt med sin farmor. Däremot är dottern väldigt rik eftersom hon fått ärva hela förmögenheten, inkl. livförsäkringarna, men utan sina föräldrar och inte heller med några syskon. 

Börja gärna att se hela historien på Dplay, under serien “Disappeared”, Säsong 4 och avsnitt “Mystery on lake Seminole”. Se sedan nedan avsnitt från rättegången då det Brians resonemang framkommer. Det finns fler filmer att tillgå från rättegången på youtube.

About Trump’s claim that Sweden was wrong for not having a Corona lock-down

sweden-3Sweden compared to neighboring countries

Below are some reasons why I personally believe Sweden has had a much higher number of deaths (at least for a couple of weeks in April) compared to the other neighboring countries.


  1. Sweden has the most amount of inhabitants of the Scandinavian countries, 10 million and rising (about 2 million immigrants).
  2. Sweden has accepted approx. three times more asylum seekers than the other Scandinavian countries together. What does this have to do with anything you might ask. Lots! A friend of mine works an assistant nurse at Karolinska Sjukhuset – the largest hospital in Stockholm. She told me a couple of weeks ago that 100% of the patients she worked with on her ward for Corona patients with intensive care, 129 patients, were all immigrants! Not even one ethnic Swede. Countries which stand out are Somalia, Iraq and Syria and she expressed how difficult it was to communicate with some of them who did not speak either Swedish or English. This naturally does not mean that all Corona patients in Swedish hospitals are immigrants, but it could give us an idea in which groups we can find the most deaths. (According to Karolinska Sjukhuset, 80% of the patients survive at the unit for Corona intensive care.) My friend is an immigrant herself so this has nothing to do with racism.
  3. Mainstream media has admitted that certain countries do stick out in the statistics, like Somalia. The life expectancy rate in Sweden is 84,7 years for women and 81,3 years for men. Compare this with for instance Somalia (2016, Wikipedia): Women 56,6, Men 53,5.
  4. We can also find lots of deaths among the elderly who live in retirement homes. Sweden has lots of elderly people, and due to Sweden’s poor economy the homes are often very crowded. Sweden has a shortage of retirement homes which means that there are tough conditions to be entitled a place. If you do not meet the conditions, there is no point standing on a waiting list with the hope to get a place. To make the matters worse, we sometimes hear about cases where retirement homes are shut down with the excuse that they need severe maintenance work. After the retirement facilities have been reconstructed, immigrants are moving in. The cost for retirement homes always falls on the local communities, but hosting immigrants will bring the communities a nice income from the state for a couple of years. Horrible news have surfaced lately that the elderly in retirement homes do not get oxygen treatments if needed, and oxygen machines are only found in the hospitals. But the hospitals are full, and maybe therefore sick people at a younger age must be prioritized … ? The staff is told to give the elderly with breathing problems other types of care, like the use of morphine, but not oxygen treatments likely because it is not available as an option. The elderly will basically only get palliative care when they have reached a certain stage.
  5. Due to a constant bad economy, few care givers must provide help to lots of elderly people at a retirement home. One common complaint from the elderly is that the care givers are lacking in the Swedish language which makes communication difficult. This applies for areas with a lot of immigrants and those areas are quite common. Again, immigrants from certain countries seem to be more at risk to catch the Corona virus than others, and the elderly belong to another risk group. We know that certain factors increase the risk, such as other known illnesses, asthma, diabetes, hyper-tension (high blood pressure), over weight, smoking, etc. It looks like the lack of vitamin D and C also plays a part. Interestingly, my immigrant friend above actually told me that both she and her husband have been diagnosed with a lack of vitamin D.

Please note that Swedish hospitals were in DEEP TROUBLE long before Corona! At times patients had to sleep in rows in the corridors due to the hospitals being so over-crowded. The problem is not the lack of physical beds but due to a permanent shortage of nurses, doctors and other hospital workers. The situation has been unbearable for many years, but it has still grown increasingly worse. It is not uncommon that  nurses are offered extra money if they skip their summer vacation and work instead. If you need to go to the Emergency department, at least in certain cities, you have to expect to wait for many hours before a doctor will finally assist you. Obviously not if you are close to death, but certainly if you (or your kid) have a broken arm or similar. It can be a true night mare, and the poor doctors are often working over time in order to see as many patients as possible.

Was it really a choice to avoid lock-downs, or is the case that Sweden had no other option due to lack of police (or military) who can help out enforcing the lock-down laws? Sweden is not like the US where you can call a cop just because you have a nasty quarrel with your neighbor. The police will come if there is a murder, but other than that you can never be sure they will come. We have a huge amount of rape cases in Sweden (and gang rapes) and the police have a hard time to keep up since they cannot even keep up with all the frequent shootings, thefts, car fires and school fires in or outside of the many no go zones. 

Even if Sweden has not had any lock-downs, you can still see empty restaurants and public places because people are too scared or not in the mood to visit them. There will be loads of bankruptcies soon, and naturally the unemployment numbers are rising. 

Seems like it does not matter whether a country has a lock-down or not, and if that is the case, why do we even have lock-downs? How will crashed economies help anyone but the globalists?

Interesting fact: Compared to the previous years’ first six months, 2015-2019, Sweden actually does not have a higher death rate this year, 2020. I have no idea how the situation is compared to the other countries.